Dr Adrian Farrugia

Adrian is an ARC DECRA Fellow in the Drugs, Gender and Sexuality program at the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University. Adrian’s research focuses on opioid overdose and take-home naloxone, experiences of hepatitis C treatment, and young people’s drug consumption and drug education. Adrian’s research on the impediments to the uptake of take-home naloxone in Australia led to the development of Overdoselifesavers.org, Australia’s first dedicated website presenting personal stories of opioid overdose and the use of take-home naloxone to save lives.

Adrian is currently researching young people’s experiences of alcohol and other drug consumption and drug education and how they relate to the priorities of key drug education stakeholders.

Adrian has published on young men’s drug consumption and friendship, young men’s understandings of health promotion information, gender and drug education, neuroscientific accounts of youth and addiction, experiences of stigma in health, take-home naloxone and hepatitis C treatment.

For a full list of Adrian’s publications and projects, click here.


Adrian welcomes supervision opportunities in the sociology of alcohol and other drug consumption, youth drug consumption, drug education and health promotion, masculinity and gender and social approaches to health and illness more broadly. His theoretical interests include post-structural and post-human approaches to subjectivity, materiality and the body. Adrian has particular interest in the use of Deleuze and Guattari, Latour and Actor Network Theory and Science and Technology Studies (STS) in qualitative research.


  • PhD Health Sciences, National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University
  • BEd (Hons), Monash University
  • BA/BEd Indigenous studies, Politics, ESL education, Monash University

Research Interests

  • Understandings of addiction, illicit drug consumption and treatment, overdose and take-home naloxone, drug education and health promotion, youth illicit drug use, gender and the body, the sociology of health